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​2020 Awardees of the SIBECOL and AEET Project Grants for Early Career Researchers

Monday 18 th January 2021

We are pleased to announce the beneficiaries of the grants for research projects led by young scientists from the following two calls:
First call of SIBECOL Projects for Early Career Researchers – 2020
This call aims to support early career ecologists by providing them funding opportunities, fostering the collaboration among them and promoting multi- and interdisciplinary research in Ecology. There are two categories that are directed to researchers on different stages of their professional career: the “Starting Early Career researchers (ECR) project grant” for postdoctoral researchers (less than 3 years after PhD defence), and the “Advance ECR project grant”, directed to postdoctoral or non-permanent researchers (more than 3 years after PhD defence).
Awarded projects:
AEET-SIBECOL early career researchers project grants, 10º ed. (2020)
The aim of these grants is to support researchers in the early stages of their careers, giving them the opportunity to develop their creativity by launching a small individual project, with its own entity, well focused and of proven scientific quality. The program supports projects for which financial support outside the scope of other larger group projects is difficult to obtain, and consists of three different categories depending on the career stage:
1. “Taking the initiative”, for pre-doctoral students in a doctoral program who have not yet read the thesis.
2. "Gaining independence" for junior post-doctoral students, who read the doctoral thesis less than three years ago.
3. "Consolidating research", for consolidated post-doctoral students, who read the thesis for more than three and less than six years ago.
Awarded projects (ex aequo) in alphabetical order of IP´s surname by category:
More information on this call is also available here.
Congratulations to all the awardees!
We are pleased to see the diversity of proposals sent from the different entities (AIL, AEET, SEEEE and SIBECOL) to both the AEET-SIBECOL and SIBECOL calls, as well as the good gender balance of both the received and the awarded proposals. We want to thank all those who have participated in this call and encourage you to continue working with enthusiasm!


More about: awards
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