Headline news
Number of results 5 for meeting

09/12/2021 - Coming soon: 2nd SIBECOL Meeting (2-8 July, Aveiro)
The next SIBECOL meeting is approaching!

The 2nd SIBECOL meeting will be a joint meeting with the XXI Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología, and will take place in the city of Aveiro, Portugal (2-8 July). It runs under the motto "Ecology: Bettering our sustainable future through scientific knowledge” and will go back to the face-to-face format. Given the integrative and transdisciplinary aspects of ecological research, this meeting encourages contributions from researchers working on all sub-disciplines of ecology, ecosystems, and biological organization levels. It welcomes also policy makers, environmental managers, and other people interested in ecology and in promoting a sustainable future.

Note that the deadline for proposing special sessions has been extended until December 17th!!

Come join us!

More info at: https://sibecol-ail-meeting2022.web.ua.pt/about/

29/03/2019 - Call for Abstracts for the 15 EEF Congress! Deadline 5 April!
Hurry up, the deadline for submitting your abstracts to the next exciting 15th European Ecological Federation Congress meeting is approaching, the call ends on April 5!

****SIBECOL members have a discount in the registration!!****
The meeting will take place from the 29th of July to the 2nd of August 2019, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and SIBECOL is already a partner.
The overarching theme of this conference, Ecology across boarders: Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals, is intended to promote discussions and interactions on how to integrate basic and applied ecological research, and their trans-disciplinarily impacts, for the effective implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The topics of the different sessions can be found here
The meeting is open to all: students, researchers from the public and private sectors, and stakeholders involved in the fields of ecology and conservation, evolution, genetics, environmental sciences, climate change, agro-forestry, social-ecology and economy, among others.
We invite you to be part of this creative and exciting congress, by contributing with your recent results, expertise, and ecological research in all areas of ecology, and in other scientific areas on the interface. The congress will prove to be an excellent opportunity for discussion, exchange and transfer of knowledge, as well as helpful in improving your collaborative network.
For us it is a privilege to host this event in Lisbon, and we hope that the scientific program, as well as the history, culture, and natural beauty of the city and people will make this congress a fruitful, and memorable one.
Don’t miss the extended abstract submission deadline: 5th April. Follow all our updates on the website (www.eeflisbon2019.org), Twitter (#eeflisbon2019), and Facebook!
We look forward to meeting you,
Maria Amélia Martins-Loução, President of the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO)
Cristina Máguas, President of the European Ecological Federation (EEF)

21/02/2019 - Scientific meetings and Twitter (IV): An analysis of SIBECOL 2019
The success of the first SIBECOL meeting, which took place during the first week of February 2019, was reflected in an intense activity on social networks. Aitor Ameztegui, researcher of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering of the University of Lleida, presents in his scientific blog Forestalia an exhaustive analysis of the activity on Twitter during the week of the event. Follow it here!

08/02/2019 - Succesful ending of the first SIBECOL meeting!

The first meeting of the Iberian Society of Ecology (SIBECOL) ended the past February 8th in Barcelona! Since February 5th, the event was a meeting point for Iberian ecologists from all disciplines, who for the first time have a platform that connects all the different branches of ecology. During four intense days, more than 700 experts in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecology have tackled a wide range of topics of scientific interest - pollution and element cycles, environmental microbiology, ecology and society, conservation of biodiversity, etc. - from an integrative perspective of the different disciplines in ecology. Attendees have participated in conferences, general sessions, working groups, and oral and poster presentations, with the common aim of exchanging knowledge to improve our ability to confront the environmental challenges that we are facing. The SIBECOL meeting has also promoted a wide variety of initiatives dedicated to promote the participation of young researchers, such as a series of awards for the best oral presentation or posters.
Marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems in the face of global change, the effects of pollutants in the natural environment, invasive species in a changing world, and the challenges to conserve biodiversity are some of the scientific themes addressed throughout this first SIBECOL meeting.
Congratulations to all the participants and organizers of the congress for such a successful takeoff! Next appointment in Aveiro (Portugal) in 2021!

29/10/2018 - 1st Iberian Ecological Society Meeting
Ecology: an integrative science in the Anthropocene - We are pleased to announce the 1st Iberian Ecological Society Meeting, which will be held in Barcelona in February 2019! The conference will be the kickoff of SIBECOL (Sociedad Ibérica de Ecología), a newly created scientific society that joins ecologists from Spain and Portugal, and aims at bringing together researchers working on all the facets of ecology. By sharing contributions devoted to understand the ecology at all possible levels, from microorganisms to plants and animals, from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems, or from field observations to experiments or theory, we seek to exchange knowledge and to broaden our view of ecological systems and their potential responses to the huge transformations induced by human societies. Join us! More information in: