Titular noticias
Number of results 5 for awards

17/11/2021 - Maria Amélia Martins-Loução, Ciência Viva Grand Prix 2021
Maria Amélia Martins-Loução, a member of SIBECOL board, is distinguished with the Ciência Viva Grand Prix 2021 for her remarkable action in promoting scientific culture as a teacher, biologist and promoter in the area of Ecology.

The Ciência Viva Awards are awarded annually, recognizing interventions of exceptional merit in scientific and technological dissemination in Portugal. 
The Ciência Viva Grand Prix 2021 distinguishes Maria Amélia Martins-Loução for her remarkable action in promoting scientific culture as a teacher, biologist and promoter in the area of Ecology. President of the Portuguese Society of Ecology, she has stood out for her public participation through the writing of opinion articles on threats to biodiversity. She was vice-Dean of the University of Lisbon, director of the Lisbon Botanical Garden, president of the National Museum of Natural History and president of the Department of Plant Biology of the Faculty of Sciences.

Our most sincere congratulations, Maria Amélia!!

02/11/2021 - Fernando Valladares, Prémio da Fundação BBVA para a Conservação da Biodiversidade
Fernando Valladares, vice presidente da SIBECOL e investigador no Museu Nacional das Ciências Naturais (CSIC), foi agraciado com o XVI prémio da Fundação BBVA para a Conservação da Biodiversidade.

O prémio foi-lhe concedido pela sua extensiva actividade de disseminação nos diferentes media por forma a transmitir à sociedade a evidência científica sobre a crise climática e para a importância e consequências da perda de biodiversidade no planeta.

Mais informações aqui

As nossas sinceras felicitações aos premiados!

18/01/2021 - ​2020 Awardees of the SIBECOL and AEET Project Grants for Early Career Researchers
We are pleased to announce the beneficiaries of the grants for research projects led by young scientists from the following two calls:
First call of SIBECOL Projects for Early Career Researchers – 2020
This call aims to support early career ecologists by providing them funding opportunities, fostering the collaboration among them and promoting multi- and interdisciplinary research in Ecology. There are two categories that are directed to researchers on different stages of their professional career: the “Starting Early Career researchers (ECR) project grant” for postdoctoral researchers (less than 3 years after PhD defence), and the “Advance ECR project grant”, directed to postdoctoral or non-permanent researchers (more than 3 years after PhD defence).
Awarded projects:
AEET-SIBECOL early career researchers project grants, 10º ed. (2020)
The aim of these grants is to support researchers in the early stages of their careers, giving them the opportunity to develop their creativity by launching a small individual project, with its own entity, well focused and of proven scientific quality. The program supports projects for which financial support outside the scope of other larger group projects is difficult to obtain, and consists of three different categories depending on the career stage:
1. “Taking the initiative”, for pre-doctoral students in a doctoral program who have not yet read the thesis.
2. "Gaining independence" for junior post-doctoral students, who read the doctoral thesis less than three years ago.
3. "Consolidating research", for consolidated post-doctoral students, who read the thesis for more than three and less than six years ago.
Awarded projects (ex aequo) in alphabetical order of IP´s surname by category:
More information on this call is also available here.
Congratulations to all the awardees!
We are pleased to see the diversity of proposals sent from the different entities (AIL, AEET, SEEEE and SIBECOL) to both the AEET-SIBECOL and SIBECOL calls, as well as the good gender balance of both the received and the awarded proposals. We want to thank all those who have participated in this call and encourage you to continue working with enthusiasm!


02/11/2020 - Awardees at the virtual meeting Limnología 2020
Last week the virtual meeting Limnology 2020 took place, which harbored both the XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology and the III Ibero-American Congress of Limnology. Despite the current pandemic situation, the event had 283 participants and a total of 241 scientific communications, of which 147 were talks and 94 posters. During the meeting, several prizes were awarded (including one granted by SIBECOL) to the best scientific communications. Congratulations to all the awardees!

Best Interdisciplinary Talk (SIBECOL AWARD)
Victor Martín Vélez (Estación Biológica de Doñana)
Functional connectivity network between anthropogenic and aquatic habitats by a waterbird: implications for contaminant transportation

Best Oral Communication (Transmitting Science Award)
Eric Puche (Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology) 
Charophytes: freshwater key players under global change 

Accesit to the Best Oral Communication (Transmitting Science Award) 
José María Fernández-Calero (Universitat de Barcelona) 
Avances en ecología de metacomunidades en ríos intermitentes para la mejora de su conservación y gestión 

Accesit to the Best Oral Communication (Transmitting Science Award) 
Néstor Nicolás (Universidad de Murcia) 
Contributions of dry rivers to human well-being: a global review 

Best Poster Communication (Quercus Award) 
Diana Graça (University of Minho) 
Ecophysiological responses of aquatic hyphomycetes to climate change related stressors 

Accesit to the Best Poster Communication (Quercus Award) 
Elena Villar-Navarro (Universidad de Cádiz) 
From theory to practice: sizing nitrification/denitrification units for urban wastewater treatment 

Accesit to the Best Poster Communication (Quercus Award) 
José Manuel Zamora Marín (Universidad de Murcia) 
Small ponds are big oases for terrestrial bird communities in a Mediterranean semiarid region

18/12/2018 - Andrea García Bravo, galardoada com o Prémio ASLO Lindeman 2019
As nossas mais sinceras felicitações a Andrea García Bravo, membro da Direcção da SIBECOL, por receber o Prémio ASLO Raymond L. Lindeman! Andrea é a primeira espanhola galardoada com este prémio, que cada ano homenageia um investigador jovem pelo seu trabalho destacado em ciências aquáticas. O estudo premiado, publicado o ano passado na revista Nature Communications, entitula-se "La composición molecular de la materia orgánica controla la formación de metilmercurio en lagos boreales", e deriva do seu trabalho na Universidade de Uppsala (Suécia) sobre a biogeoquímica do mercúrio nos sistemas aquáticos. Nele, a Drª. García Bravo e seus colaboradores demonstraram, pela primeira vez, a relevância da composição da matéria orgânica nas taxas de metilação do mercúrio nos lagos boreais, através da sua influência na actividade bacteriana.
Andrea García Bravo é actualmente investigadora no Instituto de Ciências Marinhas (ICM-CSIC) em Barcelona, ​​onde se dedica à procura de genes ligados ao processamento de mercúrio no oceano.
Felicidades renovadas, Andrea!!
Mais informações sobre os galardoados de este ano: https://aslo.org/page/2019-award-recipients